My projects:
- Node Design Patterns Exercises - code
Exercises from a book: Node.js Design Patterns - Meal seeker api - code | demo
My nicest piece of backend code
Tech stack: Node.js (Nest), CQRS, GraphQL, TypeORM, Docker - Dev arena - code | demo
Online fighting game. You choose your developer, then you face the enemies. It was my thesis at university
Disclaimer: this project needs a refactor, I will do it in future if I find time for it
Tech stack: React, Redux-Toolkit, TypeScript, Hooks - Dev arena api - code | demo
Simple api for Dev Arena
Tech stack: Node.js (Express), GraphQL
A bit older projects
- Meal seeker - code | demo
Project which helps people choose what they can eat/cook for dinner (will be refactored in near future)
Tech stack: React, TypeScript (in future), GraphQL (in future) - Tower of hanoi - code | demo
Web game based on puzzle game Tower of Hanoi
Tech stack: React, Redux - Sets meter - code | demo
App which saves training plans and length of breaks. It notifies the user about the next exercise after break
Tech stack: React