How to reuse scss parent selector in nested ones

Today I'll show you my new approach for writing selectors using parent selectors with BEM modifiers. So let's look at code. Here is final css code We want to achieve:

.component {
  background-color: white;

.component--dark {
  background-color: dimgrey;

.component__paragraph {
  color: black;

.component--dark .component__paragraph {
  color: white;

In the past I would've thought like that: ok this is a component with dark mode, so I'll prepare a selector for that and then I'll put other sub-selectors into it. It would look like this:

.component {
  background-color: white;

  &--dark {
    background-color: dimgrey;

    .component {
      &__paragraph {
        color: white;

  &__paragraph {
    color: black;

As you can see, I had to repeat whole .component__paragraph selector, and I didn't reuse the parent selector. I had quite a few situations like that before and one day I decided to do research to check if I can reuse the parent selector. Here is a solution I found out:

.component {
  background-color: white;

  &--dark {
    background-color: dimgrey;

  &__paragraph {
    color: black;

  &--dark & {
    &__paragraph {
      color: white;

On example above I've marked a line with new magic double & selector.
The & always copies last parent selector in "bracket" scope. Now the marked line looks like this: .component--dark .component. With selector like this we can reuse the parent selector and just put here paragraph part.

The code looks a bit more readable, and it reduces an amount of code to maintain. If component class would change, only the parent selector will require an update.

The only bad thing of above solution is that We have to prepare a separate selector for a dark mode. We cannot do something like this:

&--dark & {
  background-color: dimgrey;

  &__paragraph {
    color: white;

It would produce .component--dark .component and this is not what We want. Except that one disadvantage, We get a benefit in code readability which is quite an important thing in my opinion.

Thanks for reading :)

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Jakub Kuś

JS Dev