About me

I'm a JavaScript Fullstack Developer, using React and Node. I'm passionate about programming and I contantly try to improve my skills. I do this by:

I started my career as a frontend developer, but after 3 years I decided to switch my path to a fullstack developer. I'm fully aware it would be easier to specialize in a single area and become an expert in it, but it's just not the way for me. I like to build things and I try to not limit myself by being a specialist in narrow field. Fullstack approach allows me to do everything I want and gives me more fun.

I'm also interested in business related stuff - I'd like to launch own online product one day. Besides that, I observe crypto and traditional stock world.

My top 5 Gallup talents:

  • #1 Individualization - each person is unique for me. After some time I know how to speak and work with each type of personality
  • #2 Focus - I can take direction, then make plan and prioritize all things that need to be done to get there
  • #3 Analytical - I like to understand the situation in 100%, what and why caused it
  • #4 Harmony - I always try to look for consensus and don't waste time on arguing
  • #5 Restorative - Good at seeking of root of the problem and solving it

If you want to contact with me, use: jakub🐒jkus.dev